- Melbourne . Spacio.us youtube .
Juglist.net = Java User Groups WorldWide
- JavaOne Wrapup. GINA .
- Netbeans 6.1 released. But no Groovy and Grails plugins.
- Embedding Glassfish v3 with Grails article.
- German Groovy and Grails wiki launched.
- Groovy 1.6 Beta 1 released. The full release notes.
- GMaven 1.0 rc-1 released. New and noteworthy.
- Groovy Faster than Ruby? Apparently.
- Podcast: Java - Still hot or losing it's flavour? on aboutgroovy.com
- ACEGI Plugin 0.3 released
- Grails RefCode plugin released.
- Grails Recaptcha plugin released.