special stuff
Thu, Sep 17, 2009 - 06:33 UTC GROOVY ยท GRAILS
This is the first time we try live-blogging. We'll see if such techy topics really can be live-blogged... it's an experiment. In the iframe below, you will also see pulled in tweets by other users at the JVM Language Summit. You can keep the page open, it will auto refresh. Live-blogging will begin around 9AM Pacific Time, I will tweet via once we begin.

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    The Grails Podcast is a bi-weekly podcast about the Groovy scripting language, the Grails Web Framework and more. It is run by Glen Smith from Canberra, Australia and Sven Haiges from Sunnyvale, California. 4.4 on Grails 2.1.1 | created by Sven Haiges | This blog is published under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License.