Our SoapBox topic this week was JMS. Glen was recently using a Mesaging Queue for groovyblogs.org and tells us how he integrated that with Grails.
- HolyGrails.net is launched.
- Grails available as MacPort: sudo port install grails
- GRAG released
- Grails and EJB 3.0 Session beans.
- Grails Portlet Documentation
- Switchable Grails Datasources
- Validating DataSource mappings with the "validate" switch
- G2One Training Schedule
- Groovy Builders Primer tutorial.
- Should Groovy Eclipse Roadmap
- Quartz Plugin 0.3.3 released
- Sparklines Plugin 1.0 released
- Quartz plugin v0.3.3 released
- Grails Runtime Logging Plugin alpha.