We got a real good excuse for not having a SoapBox topic this time: too much news!
Anyone who knows about events around Groovy & Grails (commercial or not), drop us an email and we will add you to the permissions list for this .
Show Notes
Anyone who knows about events around Groovy & Grails (commercial or not), drop us an email and we will add you to the permissions list for this .
Show Notes
- Grails 1.1 Beta 1 released
Groovy User Group event calendar
- Robert Fischers Presentation @ Triangle Java User Group
- Sven's Presentation @ Silicon Valley Web JUG, Git Repository
- Netbeans 6.5 Released and Marcel's review
- Grails vs Rails: are we seriously still talking about this?
- Definitive Guide to Grails, 2nd Ed Alpha
- Grails Package Naming
Switching Grails layouts
- Controller.$_closure now maps to closure names in coverage plugin
- Play Web Framework
Groovy Web Services 0.4 released
- JRuby vs. Groovy for Administrative Scripting blog post
- Groovy & SQLite blog post
- CatchUp Podcatcher now works on Macs
Groovy Monkey presentation
- Ranges in Groovy are hip
Groovy & Concurrency slides
- TestTemplate plugin released and docs
- RestoreState plugin released and docs
- Stark Security plugin released and docs
- Autobase plugin 0.5 released
- Filter Plugin 0.1 released
Searchable Plugin 0.5.1 released
- Spring Maintenance Policy FAQ