Don't forget to email and tell us your favourite expansion for DSL (Do Something Lightweight?). You could win a copy of Packt Press "Groovy For Domain Specific Languages".
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JAX TV: Einmal Groovy-Universum und zurück
Groovy every day
Gradle - A Better Way To Build by Baruch Sadogursky on Prezi
GMongo - The groovy way to use Mongodb | Paulo Poiati | Blog
- Groovier testing with Spock
JFrog Seminar - Gradle, Hans Dockter - HiRes on Vimeo
bleedingwolf's Ratpack - A Sinatra inspired framework for Groovy
Groovy for Domain-Specific Languages | Groovy Zone
Gradle: why? - JBoss Community
Groovy and CSV: How to Get Your Data Out? | The Kaptain on ... stuff
Usage Patterns for Gaelyk
Spock Spotlight: Introduction to Spock Testing - Messages from mrhaki
Groovy Goodness: Synchronized Annotation for Synchronizing Methods - Messages from mrhaki
Grails - 1.3.4 Release Notes
Grails Jasypt Encryption Plugin presentation at Groovy Users of Minnesota - Ted Naleid
Grails : load proxy domain objects « Intelligrape Blog | Grails Blogs | Groovy Blogs | Grails Blog | Groovy Blog
Build a Grails App With Geolocation in 3 Steps | Groovy Zone
alkemist's grails-geb-spock at master - GitHub
- 2010 Readers' Choice Awards Survey | Linux Journal
Nabble - groovy - user - Geb/Spock - functional web testing.
Grails tooling improvements in SpringSource Tool Suite 2.3.3 M2 | SpringSource Team Blog
An Army of Solipsists » Blog Archive » Grails App-Info plugin
How to generate DDL script for domain classes in Grails using schema-export target « Intelligrape Blog | Grails Blogs | Groovy Blogs | Grails Blog | Groovy Blog
Grails Hibernate Filter Plugin a Life Saver « Intelligrape Blog | Grails Blogs | Groovy Blogs | Grails Blog | Groovy Blog
We’ve launched on Grails | Tomás Lin’s Programming Brain Dump
Downloading sources and javadocs of dependencies in Grails
Andres Almiray on Griffon: The Road Behind and the Road Ahead | Groovy Zone
- Griffon 0.9 sneak peek: command line updates
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